Lakeside Motel & Apartments Event Feed Lakeside Motel & Apartments The Kepler Challenge Mountain Run<p>60km Mountain Run and 27km Mountain Grind</p> <p>Face up to the challenge of completing &quot;the jewel in New Zealand&#39;s mountain running calendar&quot; - the 2018 Fresh Choice Kepler Challenge! Run annually, this will be the event&#39;s 31st year.</p> <p>Where else would you want to be on the first Saturday in December?</p> <p><a href="">More information here.</a></p>2012-05-28 00:00:00 Kepler Challenge Mountain Run Birds, Bats, and Banana Splits<p>Get to know some of New Zealand&#39;s most elusive creatures.</p> <p>Meet the Eglinton Valley bat monitoring team and learn about the amazing creatures they work with. Share a banana split as the sun sets and then head into the forest to discover the creatures of the night!</p> <p>7.30pm - 1.00am</p> <p>$5 donation.</p> <p>Contact the Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre for more information:&nbsp;<br /> 03 249 7924 or <a href=""></a></p>0000-00-00 00:00:00, Bats, and Banana Splits